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We are super excited that you are interested in learning about our Sideline Cheer Program!


General Information


The Meadowdale cheer team, will cheer for Meadowdale Junior Football teams, and is available for those entering 1st - 8th grade in the fall of the given season. 


The Cheerleaders season runs from August through November, but will be able to participate in any optional activities that rest of the program participates in- such as workouts, camps, or team bonding events. Keep an eye on the calendar on the home page for details.


Practices typically start in August and will be 2-3 days a week for 1.5-2 hours*; this will depend on age/grade level and coaching staff. Practices will typically be the same time and place as the football teams’ practice (MMS). Practice may be relocated or rescheduled for extreme weather. Practice may be modified if we must move to a concrete/paved covered area, as we cannot stunt on concrete or pavement or with wet feet.


We cheer for the Meadowdale Youth Football teams for 7 Saturdays between mid-August through the end of October but bowl games/championship will go until the second Saturday of November. **


​Currently, we have 1 multi-age squad. Depending on enrollment, we may have multiple squads. In that case, squads will mostly practice together but support different teams for games and spirit/community building activities. Squad assignments will be announced toward the end of the 1st full week of practice and will be based on a variety of factors including age, ability level/experience, and siblings cheering or playing on a team. Squad assignments are ultimately at the coaches’ discretion. While it is our sincere hope that all cheerleaders get the chance to try all stunting positions that interest them (flyer, base, spotter/group lead), the reality of a multi-age squad, and any squad, is that stunt groups/positions will be assigned based on a variety of factors that include experience, trying to match height of base pairs, physical strength, balance, and most importantly the ability to stay attentive and follow all instructions and safety procedures.


Captains will be chosen based on a variety of factors including experience, grade, understanding of the game, ability to follow the game, and understanding of cheer etiquette between apposing squads. Captains oversee calling cheers and choosing/starting sideline dances. In the case that no cheerleaders are able to understand and follow the game yet, coaches will call the cheers and dances.

Cheerleader and Parent Expectations


  •  We expect that your Cheerleader shows up to practice, and if they cannot make it- that they contact a coach and notify them.

  • In order to keep costs low and to help with scholarships for other kids, we expect the Cheerleaders to participate in fundraising.

  • The Cheerleaders, and their parents will follow the same code of conduct as the football players, coaches and football parents- you can find those expectations on the NSJFL website here 

Uniforms and Practice Attire


  • For our “kick-off” year, we are keeping the uniforms a surprise, as is tradition for our teams. While we may not be able to continue this tradition wholly, due to our hopes to reuse parts of our uniform, we hope we can maintain some aspect of the surprise reveal from year-to-year.

  • For the first year, we expect uniform costs to run about $300, including poms, bags, warm-ups and shoes. Every cheerleader will also need a pair of leggings. We will let you know what color after the uniform reveal. We also ask each cheerleader to bring a yoga mat to each practice. These can often be found for free through local Facebook Groups, such as Buy Nothing.

  • Cheerleaders should wear practice clothing that is easy to move in and fits close to their bodies. Tees or tanks on the fitted side and athletic shorts or leggings are great. Flyers need to avoid any pant that goes past their ankles or is boot cut. Sweatshirts/jackets should also be on the fitted side. Oversized clothing creates a hazard while stunting. Please ask coaches if you have any question about if a clothing item is safe for stunting.

  • Absolutely no jewelry of any kind, including stud earrings and claw style hair clips, at
    any event where stunting is practiced/performed. A religious medallion may be taped to one’s chest under one’s shirt. Stud earrings in newly pierced ears must be covered, front and back, by band-aids or medical tape.

  • Hair should be pulled back from the face and shoulders and secured with a soft tie/rubber band. Metal and hard plastic hair accessories are prohibited. Our squad will decide what hair style we want for games, such as ponies or braids, and cheerleaders with long enough hair will all wear the same style. Those with shorter hair and/or boys will try as best they can to coordinate hair styles and keep hair away from faces and off shoulders.

  • Nails must be trimmed short

  • Please bring all pieces of the uniform to every game. A cheer bag will be included in the uniform fee. The weather is often unpredictable, and we want to be prepared to add/remove layers if needed in a way that maintains uniformity. Coaches will do their best to predict which pieces of the uniform will be needed (such as just shells and skirts or turtlenecks and leggings underneath) and communicate that the evening prior.

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